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Book Reviews
Libros para comentar, compartir y pensar juntos.
¿Han leído algún libro y quisieran compartir su apreciación?
Un link los llevará a mi blog donde podrán hacerlo y, además, encontrarán reseña de libros y la posibilidad de comentar.
Books to share and think together about.
Have you ever read a book and thought it was worth sharing? Here you will find a link to my blog to do so. Also, book reviews open for comments.
- ​CRAIG KIELBURGER, MARC KIELBURGER, SHELLEY PAGE. (1982). The World Needs Your Kid: How to rise children who care and contribute. Vancouver: Greystone Books.
- TATYANA BARANKIN, NAZILLA KHANLOU. 2007. Growing Up Resilient: Ways to build resilience in children and youth. Canada: Center for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).​
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